About Julie

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Medford, NJ, United States
Julie Basello-Holt, a city girl originally from New York City, is the owner of True Story Photography in Medford, NJ...she is currently surviving quite nicely in the suburbs (for now).

Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's the little things....

It's always the littlest things that mean the most to me.

I got to spend Easter with my family up in New York and it was so great to see everyone. I don't get up there often enough for a variety of reasons (many of them out of my control-which doesn't really appease the guilt but anyway...). Because of this, it is always a whirlwind and combine the regular whirlwind aspects of catching up with everyone with my fun, inquisitive almost four year old nephew trying to get my attention and the results are, well, busy, to say the least.

Thankfully, my husband was with me for the drive because it was a harrowing driving home. I am a good driver and have no problem navigating NYC driving, traffic or whatever. I like driving and have no issue with road trips. But I am practical and he is the better overall driver. I was really glad that he was at the wheel coming down the NJ Turnpike in the pouring rain on Sunday night.

I think my favorite part of Sunday was the simplest. I was tasked with helping find my nephew's shoes and making sure he got his socks and shoes on, for which he wanted no help. "I can do it, Aunt Julie" was all I kept hearing so instead of wrestling over it, I decided to take advantage of the 10 minutes it would probably take him to navigate the process--yes, folks, I grabbed my camera. As I was shooting him, I was picturing the story we were telling and of course, I put together a storyboard for my sister.  I took all kinds of pictures of him that day but the storyboard is the favorite. And it is almost always about the little things, isn't it?

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