About Julie

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Medford, NJ, United States
Julie Basello-Holt, a city girl originally from New York City, is the owner of True Story Photography in Medford, NJ...she is currently surviving quite nicely in the suburbs (for now).

Friday, March 16, 2012

So you wanna be a rock star....

Obviously, I don't want to be a rock star. I mean, for starters, I am way too old to start that mess now and besides, I can barely learn "Free Fallin' " without being completely clueless on how to strum the right way. And my voice is cool for speaking but not geared towards hitting any specific notes (or any notes for that matter....)

Being a rock star is extreme and you don't have to be extreme to try new things. I am purposely forcing myself out of my creative comfort zone this year and though it is incredibly frustrating at times (Type A, anal-retentive perfectionist here), I am actually enjoying it anyway. It is not easy to take on something new at any point in your life. And with creative endeavors, depending upon your personality type, you might find yourself having lots of fun or just ready to throttle someone out of frustration (or both!). So many people make excuses not to try something they have always wanted to (too busy, too old, I just can't do it, etc). I am all about no excuses for myself. So don't ask me if you should try something because unless you ask about whether to jump off a building or a bridge, I will pretty much tell you to go for it.

The hardest part lately seems to be time---I have zero time. Okay, that is an exaggeration but sometimes it really feels like I don't stop all day. I work a full time retail store and pretty much a full time photography business. Between retails hours (and sometimes during them) I am shooting and editing. I get home from work later at night than the average person. But I try to make a little time each day for my creative projects--the things I want to do. And not just a workout either :)

One thing I haven't thought about while working my way through creative things this year is about checking "my accomplishments" off a list. Yes, I have certain things I want to achieve and I have been setting goals for myself since I was in my teens. But I don't base success on trying something--I base it on mastering something (or at the very least, getting really good at it). Not everyone does things that way, I have learned. It isn't always about quality as much as quantity with some people. But not me.  And so the pressure I put on myself builds...I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing though. In my world, that pressure makes me thrive, keeps me learning (daily!) and trying new things. That doesn't just apply to casual things. I am also that way with my retail business, with my photography business, and pretty much everything else. 

The only thing I am not Type A about? House work. Ask my husband. I just think there are better ways to spend time...

I guess my point is that whether you want to be a rock star or just learn how to crochet, I say go for it. Make the time to do it. You never know what will happen until you try and you just might fall into something that you enjoy so much that you end up having a love affair with that endeavor for the rest of your life. Photography was life changing for me and the love affair continues, 27 years later.

How often do you find yourself trying something new? And do you ever get frustrated about not having enough time to do what you want to do? Tell me your story!

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