About Julie

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Medford, NJ, United States
Julie Basello-Holt, a city girl originally from New York City, is the owner of True Story Photography in Medford, NJ...she is currently surviving quite nicely in the suburbs (for now).

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Controlled Burning...More Photo Adventures!

Today, I had the good fortune of shooting for fun with a fellow photographer that I know and whose work I respect--Nicki Albertson. Opportunities like that are never a bad thing. I think the best part of shooting with other people is you always learn something and you always get to practice, both very important things in my opinion. No matter how long you have been shooting, practice is always key and I feel like there is always something new to learn. 

Though I appreciate Nicki's style, I recognize that it is very different from my own-that is the best part of working with other people. You can certainly find inspiration from someone(and personally I think you should give credit when you do ) but I always tell my students to work on forming their own style rather than adjusting the way they shoot or process based on someone else's way of doing things. That is definitely not how I work. In fact, I am pretty happy with my own style and will continue my own development--my way. I think the biggest mistake a lot of photographers make is feeling the need to be like someone else (or very close to how someone else does things). It is important to develop your own style and be the best YOU there is. Regardless of how many times people make the choice to emulate you, they can never BE you--only YOU can do that. Good lesson...and one I feel strongly about these days.

And now, onto the adventure portion of our festivities...

We had my assistant Reece model for us and set out for one of three locations we shot at. We both love broken things but also the right light so it was a balancing act to find that perfect spot that was perfectly lit for the time of day we were shooting. Our first stop involved broken down barns, random farming equipment and other assorted decrepit buildings, all with cowgirl Reece in the middle of it. And Reece was a trooper. It is not always easy to climb on things in a sun dress or heels or whatever. She did well, as always. I was test shooting with one of my lenses that I love but don't use enough. Fairly happy with the results overall so I will be incorporating this lens into my regular routine a lot more!

Next stop was another funky spot with some broken down things for us to work with (are you seeing the pattern here? ;)  ...great light, cool look for Reece, lots of breezes running through Reece's hair, perfect!


Our last stop was kind of unique. Can't go into details because most likely we shouldn't have been there but we cheated a little and it was worth it. This stop was my favorite look for Reece--definitely fun and sassy! And amazing light...enough said!

Thanks for a fun shooting afternoon, ladies! We need to do it again soon!

Now I need to get back to work on client editing---True Story Photography jobs in progress are calling!

Come visit me in my gallery


(and in case you were wondering where the blog post title came from, at the first location on our "tour", they decided to do a controlled burning while we were there...made for a great time to move on to the next location!)

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