About Julie

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Medford, NJ, United States
Julie Basello-Holt, a city girl originally from New York City, is the owner of True Story Photography in Medford, NJ...she is currently surviving quite nicely in the suburbs (for now).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Growing up...

 "I stood stone-like at midnight, suspended in my masquerade
I combed my hair till it was just right and commanded the night brigade
I was open to pain and crossed by the rain and I walked on a crooked crutch
I strolled all alone through a fallout zone and come out with my soul untouched
I hid in the clouded wrath of the crowd, but when they said, "Sit down," I stood up
Ooh... growin' up..."  ~Bruce Springsteen   "Growing Up  "

Got a visit from one of my young clients/friends today. I have gotten to know her and her mom because they are clients of Creative Genius and photography clients too. In fact, I shot Ashley's senior portraits, which we had a blast doing a few years ago. All in all, she is pretty special and has had some hard times recently. Fortunately she has reached some general conclusions on her own about what is right for her and also even more fortunate is the fact that she has an extremely loving and supportive family. Rough times will always be there but if you have a support system, you are a lucky person in my opinion.

I was actually glad (and flattered) that she stopped by for a visit. It is always great to see her and after hearing some of what was happening in her life, I was glad I got to see her firsthand (as opposed to in a facebook post). I am also glad she is getting back into some of her creative pursuits. She is the type of person who stands out almost effortlessly and yet, is so accessible and friendly you can't help but like her. I wish her the very best and hope that once the dust settles with everything going on, that she is happy.

Basically, today's epiphany is not really earth-shattering:  growing up is hard.  And you can't follow the crowd. You owe it to yourself to be yourself and not someone else's version of what they think you are supposed to be. 
I think Dr Seuss said it best:
 "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

One of my favorite quotes...I hope it all works out for my young friend. She deserves it....

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